Monday, December 04, 2006

Bonkers EU rules mean no cakes for the homeless

Under the above headline, the Eastern Evening News reports on how
Bonkers European Union rules mean perfectly good cakes which could have been given to homeless people for Christmas dinner will instead go into landfill.

The lack of food gifts doesn't just affect what we do on Christmas Day but also what we can do for our guests on subsequent days.

Our guests usually leave us with a goody bag to help them through the rest of the season when their usual sources of sustenance (meals on wheels, luncheon clubs, drop-in centres, etc) are not available.

Our grateful thanks to Archant, the publishers of the Evening News, for agreeing to let Open Christmas advertise the event for free in their publications. The money we were going to spend on advertising can now be made available to make up the shortfall of food gifts.

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