Sunday, December 21, 2008

What's happening at Open Christmas 2008?

Join Mike Doble on Future Radio 96.9FM from 7AM on Christmas morning as he will be featuring Open Christmas throughout his breakfast show. To send Christmas Day greetings during the show to a friend, the guests and volunteers at Open Christmas or to the world in general, you can text: future (+ your message) to 60066 or email the studio:
You can also phone the studio during the programme on 01603 455250

Around 10AM Mike will make his way to the Hall to join the guests and volunteers and to meet listeners and collect dedications to phone through to the studio until lunch is served. We will be relaying Future Radio 96.9 FM to St. Andrews Hall until the stage programme gets underway at 1130AM.

At 11.30am, David our compere and entertainment coordinator, introduces Tony Bailey playing a medley of tunes on the St. Andrews Hall Grand piano

12.00 noon It’s participation time; carol singing for all, and yes, that includes you! Accompanied by Tony and some young friends.

12.30 pm More from Tony whilst you enjoy your meal.

1.00 pm A seasonal organ recital on the magnificent St. Andrew’s Hall instrument, with Dr. Christopher Sharpe in the driving seat.

1.30 pm Chris Turpin, all the way from Bath, has a bottle neck ……. and a guitar. His current band is Killitkid

2.00 pm Time to engage the old grey matter for our Trivia Quiz. Liase with your table companions to win a token prize and acclamation from your peers..

2.30 pm Christmas wouldn’t be the same without Heather Enid Wells and Rick Hayward to entertain us. Together they are known as A Little Uneasy

3.00 pm Your first opportunity to shout ‘house!‘ in our first bingo session. Mystery prizes with a bit of luck.

3.30 pm Last year Mike Hone had the flu. Next year he will have flown (to New Zealand). This year he will let fly and have you on the floor dancing. Find out more about him on MySpace

4.00 pm Here's two dirty desperadoes from Dereham; Axel Loughrey on resonator and harmonica, and Simon Hallett on bodhran and cajon, who are gonna boogie on down the hard shoulder of that ol blues road...

4.30 pm Last chance for a mystery prize in our second bingo session.

5.00 pm Time for good-byes and thank you's, with a free ride home for the asking.

And, Finally....
To enjoy all this, you don't need one of these to attend

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